Embracing obscurity
Embracing obscurity

These are our purposes whether we are in the spotlight or not. The three purposes are to make God’s name great, to advance His kingdom on Earth, and to serve others. The book is written by a well known pastor and author who chooses to embrace obscurity and writes under the pen name of Anonymous Anonymous. According to the author, Embracing obscurity is not about wiping ourselves from existence but rather, voluntarily, becoming nothing in light of everything God.


Such a life involves mystery and banks on the hope that today is just a dress rehearsal for eternity.When we stop imitating the world and instead choose to embrace obscurity, real life - chock full of significance, purpose, and renewed passion - begins. This is the official book page run by B&H Publishing Group. As I wrap up today, I want to conclude with what the author of Embracing Obscurity says about our purpose in the spotlight.

embracing obscurity

That's why we need Embracing Obscurity.Putting the premise into immediate action, an established Christian author electing to remain anonymous writes about living and dying in simplicity, contending that true success, as modeled by Jesus, starts with humility, service, sacrifice, and surrender.

embracing obscurity

Few have ever given thought to wanting less. It's all too easy to think we're somebody if our portfolio is strong, there are a few letters after our name, or we're well-known at work, church, or school.As pride creeps in, we are tempted to want more: more recognition, more admiration, more influence, more, more, more. In a culture where so many people fear being underrated, where so many people feel they deserve recognition, this is just one of what I hope will be several calls to be willingeager evento be unrecognized and insignificant in the eyes of men. To live and die unnoticed would seem a grave injustice to many. At a time of Christian celebrityism, Embracing Obscurity is a call to become nothing in the light of God’s everything. Add this reality to one's shrinking recognizability among the multiple billions down through history, and the worldly emphasis on standing out really falls flat we're all in this obscurity thing together.Ironically, the trouble with me and you and the rest of humanity is not a lack of self-confidence but that we have far too much self-importance. No matter how famous someone might be, the fact remains most of the other seven billion people on Earth wouldn't know him or her from the next person.

Embracing obscurity